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It’s a week that highlights stability and change, security and liberation. These cycles of seemingly opposing emotions, desires, thoughts, and perspectives are on display throughout the celestial activity taking place in the days ahead. Your weekly horoscope for November 10-16 helps you understand how these outer and inner movements and contradictory ways of being can not only co-exist together but help you create the life you desire.
Weekly Horoscope Preview for November 10-16
November 10 | Moon Enters PiscesNovember 11 | Venus Enters CapricornNovember 12 | Moon Enters AriesNovember 14 | Moon Enters TaurusNovember 15 | Saturn Direct + Full Moon in TaurusNovember 16 | Sun Opposes Uranus; Moon Enters Gemini
Venus Enters Capricorn
The shifts of planetary bodies mirror shifts within us. This week, as Venus enters Capricorn on November 11, 2024, it is no different.
In astrology, Venus represents our values. She mirrors our desires, inner worth, expression and reception of love and beauty, and themes of abundance, embodiment, and magnetism. As she moves into a new sign in the cosmos, these themes shift within us.
An earth sign, Capricorn is here to remind us of physicality. That our tangible world a reflection of the dreams and callings that exist within us. Venus in Capricorn blends love and beauty with tangible security. It brings together magnetism and abundance with practicality and long-term building. And it asks that our lives a reflection of our truest values.
Saturn Direct
After four and a half months, Saturn finishes its retrograde on November 15, 2024. In astrology, Saturn is legacy. It is ambition and discipline, karma and mastery. It invites self-responsibility and resilience. It represents the structures in our lives and the ambitions moving through each of us. It wants us to build what is ours to build—something lasting and meaningful in this world.
While Saturn has been retrograde in Pisces, the most etheric water sign of the zodiac, we have been inwardly reflecting, exploring, untangling, and rewriting our relationship to physicality, limitation, responsibility, and legacy. We have been focused less on the outward and more on the inward, slowing down so that we might reconnect with the desires, visions, and imaginations that we hold. And we have been restructuring our relationship with our boundaries, intuition, and connection to the sacred.
As Saturn moves forward once again, we return to the outer world with a newfound connection to these spaces in our lives. As we do so, life invites us to move forward once again, planning our long-term goals and building what is ours to build. Saturn will continue to move through Pisces until May 2025, offering us this interim to bring our imaginations, sacred devotions, and creative ideas to life through consistent effort and inner resiliency.
Full Moon in Taurus
On the same day as Saturn finishes its backward spin, the Moon meets her fullness in Taurus. An earth sign, Taurus is focused on security and simplicity, rooting down and healing, stability and routine, and our relationship with our sensuality and the earth beneath us. A fixed sign, it is here to maintain its current self rather than open to new beginnings or close old chapters.
The full Moon in Taurus highlights our relationship to our bodies, security, inner value, and outer security. It invites our intuition to speak through our senses and the earth to recommune with us through her physicality.
What is different about this full Moon in Taurus is the near presence of the innovative, creative, and non-conforming planet of Uranus. This creates a heightened and electrifying frequency that reverberates through our cosmos and our being. Uranus calls us to wild, inspiring, creative breakthrough and whispers to us about liberating ourselves from stagnation and heaviness, rigidity and obstinacy, and spaces where predictability and loyalty have kept us from truly living.
The influence of Uranus on the full Moon in Taurus frees ourselves from outdated, disempowered, and fear-driven perspectives of security and stability, both materially and emotionally. We are invited to find security, safety, trust, and stability within ourselves first so that we may then listen to the restless call of Uranus that signals a readiness for change from within that takes us toward our happiness.
Sun Opposite Uranus
A day after the full Moon in Taurus, the Sun comes into direct opposition with Uranus, electrifying the energy, reverberating it throughout the cosmos, and continuing to bring further invitations for inner liberation, freedom, and authenticity.
There are moments in our lives where who we have been—the identity, structures, and ideas of who we are—suddenly feel too small for our truth and who we are becoming. As the Sun opposes Uranus on November 16, 2024, it mirrors this moment within each of us where we are ready to break free. The Sun opposite Uranus liberates us from these too-small identities, too-limiting perspectives, and too-outdated patterns.

Weekly Horoscope for November 10-16
Stability, liberation, freedom, and commitment are the themes of your weekly horoscope. You are building a new relationship with inner security and safety, one that honors your co-existing needs for liberation, change, and authenticity. It is a week for looking ahead and exploring your long-term visions. And it is a week to loosen your grip on who you believe yourself to be and the life you desire for yourself so that you might surprise yourself with the life you truly want. Your weekly horoscope helps you understand how.
Aries Rising
The days ahead highlight security. How safe do you feel in your body? What is your relationship with resources, both inner and outer? This week arrives with the reminder that there are resources surrounding you—energetic and emotional, relational and familial, tangible and financial—and holding you with a greater level of support.
Taurus Rising
This week arrives with an opportunity to create a new level of safety within your being. To find a space where security, trust, and stability can be found even as you evolve and shift and even as life evolves and shifts around you. Tune into the consistent hum emanating from within and it support you amid these change.
Gemini Rising
This week wants more of you. Or perhaps, more accurately, you are ready for more of yourself this week. There is a call to strip away the spaces between you and yourself as well as between you and the sacred. It’s time to come into greater intimacy, vulnerability, and connection with life itself and with yourself as an expression of life.
Cancer Rising
As who we are becoming begins awakening from within, it can simultaneously bring a cracking open to who we have been. You are cracking open and shedding past versions of yourself. All so that more of who you are becoming can take up more of your space, feel more of your life force, and express more of your truth.Â
Leo Rising
This week brings a shift from deep within your psyche, revealing more insights and energy to move forward with. It asks that you open your mind as you look ahead in your life. To create the space for new desires or visions from within to reveal themselves. Journaling, meditating, or visioning about your future self may call to you.
Virgo Rising
This week calls for an expansion of your perspectives. What are your beliefs? What is life? What is your place in this vast existence? Journaling under the full Moon will reveal much from within, while also creating the space for greater self-expression and creativity.
Libra Rising
Something from deep within is speaking. Your intuition, your body’s wisdom, your unconscious material is shifting and revealing that will support the rebirth awaiting you. Bring comfort, security, and love to your day to day as you create the space to listen through nurturing your emotions and tending to your body.
Scorpio Rising
How you relate to others is shifting. How you offer yourself in partnership, what you allow in relationships, where your boundaries begin, and what your desires are for connection—it’s all going through a rebirth this week. As the Sun continues moving through your sign, observe the ways in which you’re transforming and let that inform these shifts.
Sagittarius Rising
Your foundations are shifting. The foundations of your psyche and selfhood, your daily living and habits. This week also asks you to plant yourself in this tangible realm, to tend to your body and your habits, your resources and your emotional needs. Solitude and reflection call your name.
Capricorn Rising
Your weekly horoscope invites you to feel your magnetism and to feel your worthiness. It arrives so that you may find a new level of liberation—the liberation of being and expressing the self, free from the patterns, ideas, metaphoric chains and ways of being that keep you from your empowering authenticity.Â
Aquarius Rising
Visiting your emotions this week is where you will meet your opening. It is where you will meet your inner sense of freedom, safety, and trust in yourself. And it is where you will meet your guidance forward. As Saturn invites forward momentum with your resources, the Moon and Uranus invite you to look within.
Pisces Rising
If it has felt like you have been on somewhat of a pause, know that it has been divine timing. Through self-responsibility, freedom is met. Through devotion to yourself and your visions, empowerment finds you. Through grounding yourself in your body and in the outdoors, a vast opening of your mind awaits. This week the doors are opening.
Stay tuned in with yourself by following your upcoming weekly horoscopes, learning the effects of the Moon’s phases on you, and how astrology intersects with your everyday life when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.
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