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It’s a week of vast movements in the cosmos and invitations from all different corners within you. As Venus comes into a square with Saturn, Mercury opposes Uranus, and a new Moon in Scorpio initates a new month, it is a week of continued transformation, self-awareness, and reacquainting with the sense of hope. Your weekly horoscope helps you navigate the cosmic movements and internal invitations.
Weekly Astrology for October 27-November 2
October 28 | Venus Squares SaturnOctober 29 | Moon Enters LibraOctober 30 | Mercury Opposite UranusOctober 31 | Moon Enters ScorpioNovember 1 | New Moon in ScorpioNovember 2 | Mercury Enters Sagittarius
Venus Squares Saturn
October 28, 2024 brings Venus and Saturn together in the form of a square. Although tension can be present with squares, these aspects hold incredible potentials for change and generate a stirring of energy from within. This unique transit holds the potential to spark creativity, breakthroughs, and decisions.
Venus represents our values, desires, magnetism and love. Saturn is a planet of reality checks that invites us into commitment, action, and mastery. Venus in Sagittarius calls us toward freedom, wisdom, and adventure while Saturn in Pisces invites us into the tangible building of creative visions and imaginations.
These celestial bodies ask that we clarify what we value most and what we choose to experience and commit to in life. Dedicate some time, e intentions, and resources to it or them. Commit to building life as a reflection of what we desire. Listen to what comes from within. And allow yourself to be honest about what or who you want for yourself and your life.
Mercury Opposite Uranus
As October comes to a close, it does so in a way that is anything but quiet. On October 30, 2024, Mercury opposite Uranus sparks creativity, imagination, mind expansion, and a recalibration in our thinking.
Mercury is our planet of thinking, mental processing, learning, and communication and journeys through Scorpio, Uranus is our planet of freedom, change, innovation, and breakthroughs and moves through Taurus.
An opposition, as the name suggests, meets us as two planetary bodies sit on opposite sides of the cosmos in opposite signs. A similar expression as a square, oppositions have the potential to produce frustration as well as inspire change. They can also illuminate tension as well as ignite as an immense amount of creative energy.
This day produces much mental energy. Whatever Uranus touches he is here to revolutionize and bring liberation. As Uranus comes into contact with Mercury, and therefore our minds, we crack open any frameworks of our minds that are simply too small for us. We break down what limits our view and we open ourselves to vaster potentials, innovative ideas, and guidance for what’s ahead. Support your weekly horoscope by journaling, mindset work, and allowing yourself to be open to new ways of seeing and thinking.
New Moon in Scorpio
As we step into a new month, we are greeted with a catalyzing new Moon in Scorpio on November 1, 2024. It is also an internal lunation, a new beginning stirred from the depths of our underworld. It is here to be felt and experienced so that we may meet more of ourselves, so that we may meet more of life.
Scorpio is a catalyzing zodiac sign that always asks more from us. It asks for depth, trust, and complete embodied presence. It asks for truth, honesty, and the deepest kind of intimacy. It asks that we look into the mirror of our shadows so that we may usher them into our hearts. It asks that we reclaim what we have abandoned within ourselves so that we can welcoming ourselves home. And it asks that we strip away the layers keeping us from ourselves, keeping us from life, keeping us from our knowing, truth, and most fulfilling and meaningful experience of life.
The new Moon can begin again only because she has emptied herself bare. Unseen in the cosmos, she has stripped away all of who she once was in her fuller state. In a similar way, Scorpio is our sign of transformation and the way a rebirth can only be met through death.
Like all astrology, this lunation is a mirror for something happening within us. Look at what is ready to be transformed—repressed psychic material, disempowering emotional patterns, unconscious fears or ties. What within is ready to be stripped away so that there is a rebirth so that we can be ourselves anew, strong, and present.
Mercury Enters Sagittarius
A day after the catalyzing new Moon, Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, shifting the environment and essence of our minds, thinking, and communication.
While in this fiery, adventurous sign, Mercury will also meet its final retrograde of the year from November 26 to December 15, 2024. This means that whatever forward movement we make from now until November 26, we will soon retrace and rewalk in a backward motion while in retrograde.
Sagittarius is a sign of higher wisdom, exploration, aspirations, and philosophical thought. It is a sign that represents our belief systems, hope, and faith. And it is a sign that invites us to expand our minds so that we may be open to vaster possibilities.
So Mercury in Sagittarius brings hope. It widens our perspectives so that we may see more for ourselves. It invites our minds to explore philosophical thoughts, ponder our own belief systems, and open to a higher wisdom. And it asks us to look ahead and observe what we want to experience in our lives moving forward, what ignites passion and excitement within us, and how we want our future experiences to feel. Your weekly horoscope explores this more.

Weekly Horoscope for October 27-November 2, 2024Â
As the Sun continues to travel through the watery depths of Scorpio, this week and its cosmic movements highlight an invitation of honesty. Honesty with ourselves. Honesty with what matters to us. Honesty with those ideas, perspectives, and thought patterns that are learned. Honesty with the fears that keep us at a distance, with our desires that we haven’t felt ourselves worthy of, and honesty with what is possible for us as we truly listen and become ready to take the leap and create change for ourselves.
There is vast transformative energy emanating from the cosmos and beyond this week. The days ahead offer profound opportunity for expansion in how we hold honesty and trust that it will be transmuted. It’s time to claim your empowerment. Your weekly horoscope provides the tools, emotions, experiences, and realizations that allow you to become all that you are destined to be.
Aries RisingÂ
This week has depth. It’s a week of communing with your emotions and the wisdom, transformation, and empowerment held within them. It’s a week to begin once again after stripping yourself back and releasing old ways of being, thought patterns, and belief systems. Observe who you are beneath it all.
Taurus Rising
This week invites an opening related to your sense of self and what you believe possible and available for yourself in this lifetime. It brings unconscious material to the surface so that you may bring it into the light for transformation. And it highlights intimacy, vulnerability, and truth, both with yourself and your relationships.
Gemini Rising
Your weekly horoscope invites intention, purpose, and choice into your days through the habits that hold you and the rituals that support you. It also illuminates patterns and ways of being in your relationships and holds the space for any shifts wanting to take place. Empowerment will be found in small and consistent steps and changes.
Cancer Rising
There are creations and expressions stirring from within you that are asking to be set free. This week, create and it will free you. Create and it will transform you. Create and it will empower you. This week also invites intentionality and purpose with a focus on your everyday movements, habits, and rituals.
Leo Rising
It is a week of intimacy, compassion, and self-nurturing. It brings old inner material, memories, and psychological patterns to the surface so that you may rewrite your own script and create a new sense of safety for yourself. It also asks you to express whatever you may be experiencing into words, art, sound, and movement. However you express things, express them this week.
Virgo Rising
The mind deserves a deep clean, both in our conscious and unconscious states. This week is your deep clean. It allows you to enter the realm of your mind and begin clearing the noise, the thought patterns, perspectives, and beliefs that simply don’t serve you. This time allows you to bring them into the light and choose differently.
Libra Rising
Create the space for your body to process old emotions, unconscious materials, past memories, and other energies that linger in our bodies even after they have left our conscious minds. Your weekly horoscope invites you to experience an unprecedented level of safety, security, and trust in your whole being, especially your body.
Scorpio Rising
This week sits within the arms of your season and your rebirth. It allows for the space to meet yourself anew. Loosen your hands on the identity through which you believe yourself to be and tune into your body, for it has much inner knowing, intuitive guidance, and wisdom to share.
Sagittarius Rising
Allow your identity to take a deep breathe out. Let yourself release the idea of who you know yourself to be. See the patterns that shape you. Observe the recurring beliefs of who you are and what you think is possible for you. This week welcomes a spiritual essence, where the arms of the sacred ask you to fall back into them and let yourself be held.
Capricorn Rising
Listen to the quiet this week. There are messages, intuitive insights, and guidance waiting there for you. The week invites you to look ahead at your desires and hopes. It asks you to allow the transformation of these future callings to meet you. And it wants you to take these desires calling your name more seriously.
Aquarius Rising
It’s a commitment kind of week. Ask yourself, what matters to you? What is asking to be built? What wants to be experienced by and lived through you? What transformation awaits you saying yes to these things? Continue to look both ahead and within so that you may clarity who you want to be and where you want to go.
Pisces Rising
Be sure to listen this week. Life is speaking to you through your heart, the wind, other people, and every moment. It is asking you to strip back the layers that keep you from fully experiencing each moment. And it is opening you to wisdom and deeper knowing held by yourself and the Universe.