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As the Sun enters Virgo, the astrological sign’s defining traits are drawn into the light. Virgo has long been associated with ancient goddesses revered for refinement, self-sufficiency, and personal completeness. Each of these aspects of Virgo exists within us, expressing themselves at different volumes during different phases of life and moments in time. Throughout Virgo season 2o24, you are invited to step into this archetype, feel its wisdom, and observe yourself and the world through its lens.
When Does Virgo Season 2024 Start?
The Sun transits into Virgo on August 22 and remains there through September 22.
What Does Virgo Season 2024 Mean, Exactly?
Virgo season is when we turn inward to strip away all that we have been told we are and instead reach for the truth of who we are.
We see this by looking at the first half of the zodiac circle. The signs that span Aries to Virgo are self-directed and aimed at both creating and learning who we are. As a result, they correlate to the development of the individual self and offer self-definition and clarity.
The second half, comprising Libra to Pisces, symbolizes our relationship to other people, society at large, and the world. It concerns itself with interactions that relate to all that exists beyond the self.
By the time we reach Virgo, we’ve been establishing who we are, one sign at a time. That includes Aries initiating action, Taurus building stability and endurance, Gemini developing mental sphere, Cancer creating belonging and nurturing for ourselves, and Leo exploring the need to outwardly express one’s unique humanness.
Virgo season represents the culmination of learning about the self. It’s a time for synthesizing and bringing to order the experiences and explorations undertaken by the first five signs of the zodiac. Here we begin to integrate all that we have learned about ourselves. Here we refine and ultimately become a more clear, grounded, and intentional expression of who we choose to be in the world.
It’s worth noting that in early mythology, Virgo was referred to as “virgin goddesses,” a term that predates the association of virgin with sexuality. Many scholars suggest the origin of the term Virgo come from the Latin word meaning “maiden” and the Greek word for “unto oneself,” meaning this archetype was complete on her own.
The power and status of the Virgo goddess was not reliant upon a partner or any sort of outside power. It came solely from offering her femininity as an expression of divinity and sovereignty. No other person or outside force could possess the goddess. She belonged only to herself.

What Are Common Virgo Traits?
The sign of Virgo has an intimate connection with the highest potential of humans and situations. It dedicates itself to refining oneself through behavior, especially everyday habits and routines, so as to clear away all the noise, the extra, the outside, and everything that is not yours so that you can explore who emerges from underneath it all.
As a result, you are invited to self-refinement during Virgo season 2024. You may be inspired to bring order to what feels messy, to bring more awareness to taking care of your body and your home, and to bring surrender where you can’t make change. You are asked to take what feels big and break it down into small steps and little wins.
As you do so, bring your attention to how those steps compound and how you evolve along with them, whether you’re making space to linger during your skin care routine or plumbing layers of emotions through therapy.
When you are in a healthy relationship with your Virgo, you trust yourself to create steps and actions that take you toward your desires and dreams. Along the way, you accept yourself for where you are in any given moment. You honor that you are never finished product but rather whole as you are. You acknowledge that this wholeness will continually change as you continue to integrate the lessons that you learn and refine your actions and thoughts. When you are in a healthy relationship with your Virgo, you have a clear sense of who you are, what is for you, and what is not.
But when you are still learning to navigate this aspect of yourself, Virgo’s preoccupation with potential can become overly critical. You may experience dissatisfaction with your creations or yourself. You may be pulled into the pressured perspective that because something can always be better, it isn’t worthy or worth sharing as it is. You may perceive yourself as incomplete and therefore not enough.
When Virgo is preoccupied with perfection, they will wait to find the highest potential in partnership, which can detract from the exquisite beauty and perfectly imperfect realness that exists in the moment. Although it is commonly believed that Virgo isn’t attuned to partnership, what the goddess archetype suggests is that when Virgo comes from a place of balance rather than fear of losing either the self or the other, it can offer and receive love from a place of completeness.
Seeing only what isn’t in alignment in yourself and others, sensing an incessant need to refine your body, your spaces, or your habits can easily control you. The medicine of Virgo is found in the refinement of self that is initiated by respect for the self and the beauty, completeness, and sacredness that resides within us. Only then can the medicine be directed inward.
As you witness yourself, consider how you would describe the care you offer yourself—your body, your mind, and your emotions. How do you show up for yourself each day, support yourself, trust yourself? This all relates to Virgo.

What Virgo Season 2024 Means for You
Under the influence of Virgo, you can access and explore your unique potential in a manner that’s useful to the world. Following are themes to explore as you navigate Virgo season 2024.
Aries Rising
There’s an innate intelligence within your conscious and unconscious mind as well as your physical and subtle body. It’s time to come home to whatever supports you, including your most foundational and basic needs, in order to clear your mind, your being, your space, and your life of what is adding noise and not value. This season reminds you that there’s no need to force change. You don’t need to reach for transformation. Rather, when you experience the support you require, you can evolve according to your timing.
Taurus Rising
You find your truest self through play, laughter, and creative expression. Being you can feel good. Being in your body can feel beautiful. Being integrated and intentional can feel incredible. These sorts of playful self-expressions are where you will find intentional becoming. Feel creativity move through you and into expression. Let play be your medicine.
Gemini Rising
Slow down so that you can look within and explore you. Where do you seek comfort and safety? Who have you learned to become? What is your truth? How you can become an intentional container for who you are becoming? Befriend compassion because perfection isn’t required. Befriend emotion because of all that it reveals. And befriend yourself so you can feel the soothing medicine of simply being.
Cancer Rising
It’s time to draw closer to yourself. Closer to what matters. Closer to clarity around yourself and your direction. Closer to your truth. And the entryway to this space exists through your everyday thoughts, intentions, and actions. How can you organize and refine your thoughts? How can you align your smallest movements with what matters to you? How can you let the medicine of your own voice and words bring about the emotions you desire?
Leo Rising
As your season draws to a close, allow yourself to step back and observe what has changed and shifted within you during the last month. What parts of you have come to the surface to be seen and celebrated? As you acclimate, allow things to slow down and anchor into reality. Allow who you have become to integrate into your body and your life. And allow the expression of you to be built on a foundation of worthiness, inner safety, security, and resourcing.
Virgo Rising
You have been gathering, shifting, opening, becoming, and changing throughout these last twelve months. Virgo season 2024 is an opportunity to begin integrating the last year of your life so you can arrive at a new beginning. Who are you? How have you changed? What will help you get to know yourself again? It’s time to clarify who you currently are and what you desire for your upcoming chapter. Create a new relationship with trust in yourself so you can discern your truth, steps, and tangible actions. And it’s an opportunity to cultivate an entirely different relationship with becoming. You don’t need to be anyone or anything that other that what and who you are in this moment.
Libra Rising
Virgo season is the final moment before the Sun brings light to your sign. Let this time be an inner retreat where you review your journey until this point. Let what is ending come to an end and let what is changing move through you. Create space for release, silence, and surrender so when you begin again, you can remember what is true and sacred to you.
Scorpio Rising
Tune into the way vibes flow through you—the ideas, the playful moments, the creations, the evolution of yourself. You are the channel though which this energy becomes grounded in the tangible world. You are the channel though which change is made and life is experienced. As you consider your loved ones, community, and humanity, what whispers to you? Listen to that.
Sagittarius Rising
What is the legacy you want to bestow on the world? What are the tangible structures and visions you’re creating in your life to support that? It’s time to bring some clarity to this. Bring your awareness to your long-term visions. Clear away the pressure, expectation, and ideas about success that were never yours. Release any desires that arise from anything that is not real and true within you. Look past the noise. Let what remains become your compass.
Capricorn Rising
How does life speak to you? What does it tell you about its meaning and your place in it all? How you perceive and relate to life is a foundational part of who you are. You cannot separate yourself from your perspectives about existence. This season asks you to explore and refine your truths and their meanings. Think of these weeks as a conversation with life during which you can begin to clear the external voices and lean into what is true for you.
Aquarius Rising
Virgo season 2024 draws you into your own underworld where you can explore, reorganize, and transform undercurrents and unconscious spaces in your psyche. The more you refine your thoughts and ground your days in self-nurturance, the more you can begin to move, untangle, rearrange and allow the process of becoming to take place. Invite slower movement, grounding in your body, and engagement with the spaces that are often unseen and unable to be put into words.
Pisces Rising
Your realm exists in the sacred. Virgo helps you explore your relationship with the tangible. As your opposite sign, Virgo brings you into greater wholeness by prompting you to take practical action, relate to others, and connect to it all. Embrace both sides of the human experience and you’ll experience the point where they are one—and you are both.
RELATED: Your Weekly Horoscope, August 18-24, 2024: Remembering Who You Are
Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.
This article has been updated. Originally published August 23, 2023.