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The week ahead brings vast partnerships and connections in our cosmos. It doesn’t hold major shifts or energies that ask us to do much. Instead, it holds the kind of movement that we dance with each day, week, month, and beyond. We are familiar with this movement. We know it well. As Venus invites more self-worth and love, Jupiter inspires vast ideating and visioning for your life. Mercury opens your mind, Saturn invites you to build, and Uranus stirs your inner freedom. It is a dance of partnerships and angles that weave together different integral aspects of yourself. Your weekly horoscope for December 22-28, 2024, helps you explore ways you can dance along with it.
Weekly Horoscope Preview, December 22-28, 2024
December 22 | Moon Enters LibraDecember 23 | Venus Sextile ChironDecember 24 | Jupiter Square SaturnDecember 25 | Moon Enters ScorpioDecember 26 | Mercury Opposite JupiterDecember 27 | Mercury Square Saturn; Moon Enters SagittariusDecember 28 | Venus Square Uranus
Venus Sextile Chiron
The week brings holiday healing as Venus comes into a sextile aspect with Chiron on December 23, 2024. In astrology, Venus is love, worthiness, abundance, and magnetism. She is art, romance, partnership, and harmony. Chiron, on the other hand, is the doorway to some of our deepest pain and the medicine held within.
A sextile means ease, flow, and harmony. It’s as if the planets in question are holding hands and supporting one another through their evolution. This same ease is accessible to us with barely any effort. When we simply open ourselves to and welcome the medicine of this day, it can freely move through us.
As Venus and Chiron come into partnership, there is a harmonious flow of healing happening through the various layers of ourselves. That includes the parts of us that are aware of our own worthiness and see beauty within every moment of life. These Venusian energies offer healing to those parts of us that have been waiting for our own presence and acceptance.
Jupiter Square Saturn
Another collaboration takes place with Jupiter in a square aspect to Saturn on December 24, 2025. Square aspects in astrology occur when a planet forms a 90-degree angle to another planet. This angle can manifest inwardly as tension or friction, yet underneath the surface much magic awaits. It is within this friction that change is inspired, action is motivated, and creative solutions are found.
Jupiter is our planet of expansion and growth, opportunity and hope. It looks toward the future and inspires new perspectives. The next planet farther from us in our solar system, Saturn, holds quite a different energy. While Jupiter prompts us to expand and imagine, Saturn asks us to hold a sense of practicality, responsibility, and groundedness in how we approach the building of our everyday lives.
As these two celestial bodies form a square aspect, we experience the expansive dreamer meeting the practical realist. As above, we are invited to coalesce these two seemingly opposing ways of being within ourselves—the dreamer who creates truthful visions and fulfilling desires and the visionary who executes and brings the ideas into the tangible—so that they can collaborate, create, and practically planning for the new chapter that awaits us.
Mercury Opposite Jupiter
Just two days later, Jupiter appears in our cosmos and consciousness once again. This time, it makes an opposition aspect to Mercury. As the name suggests, an opposition aspect is when planets sit opposite one another and, therefore, in opposite signs.
As Mercury travels through Sagittarius, Jupiter continues to dance through Gemini. This axis of Gemini and Sagittarius speaks to the mind. Both signs address the realms of learning, communicating, and sharing, although Gemini speaks more to the objective while Sagittarius plays within the subjective. As the planets oppose one another in these signs, we are asked to expand our minds, question our perspectives, and bring adaptability to our thoughts and ideas.
This is a day of curiously exploring and witnessing any disconnect or opposing ways of thinking within, and if possible, even find a space where they can coexist or find common ground. It is a beautiful day for journaling, expressing, or simply standing as a compassionate witness to what exists within our minds, both as a means to understand our inner workings and to intentionally choose what we allow within our inner world.
Mercury Square Saturn
As Mercury continues its travels, it finds itself in a connection with Saturn in the form of a square on December 27, 2024. With Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces, we are invited to find a space within our minds and within our lives that our vastest imaginations can come into our experience. We are invited to meet the narratives, stories, and thoughts that tell us the many reasons we cannot.
When we bring the contents of our mind into our awareness, we begin asking questions. Is this story inherently true? If not, what is true? Is this narrative mine or have I inherited it from elsewhere? Is there another way to look at this? Is this thought coming from someplace else within me? If so, what does it need? How can I support it?
Venus Square Uranus
Our final aspect for this week brings a square between Venus in Aquarius and in Uranus in Taurus on December 28, 2024. This is another aspect of possible tension with magic just beneath it.
Venus represents love, creativity, connection and beauty while Uranus represents change, innovation, and liberation. The offer is that of liberation through love and freedom through self-worth. It inspires change in the way that we see our beauty and value as well as the way we offer ourselves and others love. It creates awareness of any change required for greater alignment in our relationships to ourself, including our self-expression and self-autonomy, as well as with others and our finances. Your weekly horoscope explores this in more nua

Weekly Horoscope, December 22-28, 2024
The beauty and the medicine of this week and beyond can be found in giving space to the archetypes within us as they shift and dance—the emotions that arise, the visions that unfold, the fears that make themselves known, and the tension that wrestles within—and accepting each of these as they arise.
As we give them space, they begin to speak. As we listen, they tell us what we need, offer guidance, and invite us further into life. Your weekly horoscope for December 22-28, 2024, invites you to hear the messages in certain aspects of your existence and bring them to life. Read for your rising sign.
Aries Rising
Surrender your old narratives. There is a redesign happening within your mind, an updating of your beliefs and stories about yourself and your potential, desires, community, money, and relationship with the sacred. It’s a week to allow space, welcome curiosity, and let your mind untangle.
Taurus Rising
Bring awareness to the safety you feel in your body and your life. Review where you find security, power, and worth, both in your external life and from within. As healing moves through your career, open yourself to what is coming next.
Gemini Rising
Let yourself see from different perspectives. Open your mind, shift your vantage, question what has gone unquestioned. As your sense of self continues to evolve and expand, the week invites you to begin thinking of your long-term goals and how you can ground them into actualization.
Cancer Rising
Surrender calls your name this week. A surrender to the sacred and to the beauty of your underworld where riches await your presence. Befriend your emotions and allow them space guide you as you bring greater intention to the routines that nurture you.
Leo Rising
Create space for creativity to move through you and you’ll experience more inspiration, life force, and vitality channeled into your self-expression. There are worlds living unconsciously that desire to be expressed. There are new dreams and ideas waiting to be brought to your awareness. Allow for it.
Virgo RisingÂ
This week invites self-nurturing and asks you to tend to yourself with love, honesty, consistency, and supportive movements and rituals. As you continue to support yourself, trust that movement, openings, and healing are finding their way into your relationships, career, and long-term aspirations.
Libra Rising
This week offers you the feeling of freedom in your self-expression, regardless of who is around you, what others think, or which judgements live within you that were never yours to take on. When you continue to bring yourself love through play and supportive routines, this freedom will find you.
Scorpio Rising
Through play, empowerment meet you. Through creative self-expression, inner security awaits. As you allow pleasure, inspiration, and nurturing self-love to move through you this week, a new level of embodiment, strength, and trust will emerge, as will a different relationship to resource, both internal and external, intangible and tangible.
Sagittarius Rising
As you continue to move through the expansion and opening of who you are in this world, you are invited to meet more of the thoughts and beliefs that hold you back from yourself, from liberation, and from the true expression of you. Meet these with awareness so you can question their validity and rewrite your stories.
Capricorn Rising
Create more space for your intuition this week. As you clear your mind and quiet your thoughts, you might find your inner wisdom has much to share and much to guide you toward. You’re asked to find caring discipline around what takes place in your mind and release what is outdated and untrue.
Aquarius Rising
There are new perspectives and possibilities calling your name. New hopes and visions desiring your attention. The medicine lies in opening your heart, offering more love to yourself, holding your hurts, and remembering your worth. As you offer this to yourself, possibilities and visions begin streaming through to you.
Pisces Rising
Continue to build a loving relationship with boundaries, consistency, long-term commitment, and practical building and the week will bring a beautifully supportive new way to relate to your career and long-term visions. Also on offer through your weekly horoscope is imagination, healing, and inspiration from the sacred.
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