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January 2025 started quietly. The week ahead continues in a similar vibe as a time of careful considering, reviewing, and planning. As we turn inward in search of our foundation and a steady base from which to navigate the new year, we can more consciously ensure that the actions we take, and the year we create, are done with purpose. It is a week of feeling the sacred and remembering that we are held and guided as we take steps that have lasting effects. Your weekly horoscope for January 5-11, 2025, helps you understand where to seek these intuitive nudges.
Weekly Horoscope, January 5-11, 2025 Preview
January 5: Moon Enters AriesJanuary 6: Mars Retrograde Enters CancerJanuary 7: Moon Enters TaurusJanuary 8: Mercury Enters CapricornJanuary 10: Moon Enters GeminiJanuary 11: North Node Enters Pisces; South Node Enters Virgo
Mars Retrograde Enters Cancer
Since December 6, 2024, Mars has been retrograde in Leo. In astrology, Mars is the resonance within us that propels us into action. It is passion and drive, motivation and will. It is how we channel our energy into our world, connect with our personal power, and pursue our desires.
When in retrograde motion, all that the planet represents turns inward. Instead of outwardly asserting our will, leaping toward our desires, and striving to get ahead, we slow down, reconsider, and begin to understand our relationship with the ambitious aspect of ourselves. It’s an invitation to slow down and reconsider the ways we value and express our life force.
As Mars spins itself backward into Cancer this week, we are also asked to bring intimacy, honesty, and emotion to this review. Cancer rules our formative years, and as Mars immerses itself in these waters, we reconsider all that we learned and took on in our earlier years. Particularly the narratives, patterns, and emotions that still inform much of our lives today, consciously or unconsciously, including the ways we learned (or not) to stand up for ourselves, express our emotions in a healthy and productive way, honor our own needs, and assert our preferences.
This week allows us to explore the ways in which we make decisions so we can better understand our reasoning for choosing action or inaction based on our inherent need to feel safe in the world. That includes the moments we say yes when we want to say no and say no when we want to say yes.
Mercury Enters Capricorn
This week brings our planet of communication, learning, and information into the sign of practical planning, goal building, and ambition. As Mercury enters Capricorn on January 8, 2025, it invites us to look ahead and consider what we desire for our lives.
With the Sun already shining in Capricorn, the invitation of recent weeks has been to consider the devotions, visions, and goals we hold for ourselves in the new year. Mercury entering this same sign brings a greater focus to this invitation. It’s a time for planning, practical thinking, and patiently tending to our lives. It’s also an empowering invitation to step into self-responsibility, determination, and ambition.
As Mercury leaves Sagittarius with inspired minds and transits into Capricorn, our expanded thinking is ready to consider practical terms before we bring it into the tangible. Tune into the direction that feels true and right to you as you clear away any extra noise. This inner call is your direction. Capricorn is here to support you in bringing it to life.
North Node enters Pisces, South Node enters Virgo
One of our major astrological shifts of the year takes place on January 11, 2025, as the lunar nodes enter new signs and a new chapter. The lunar nodes, which comprise the north node and south node, are considered points of direction and destiny. The exact points in space where the ecliptic, or the Sun’s apparent orbit intersects that of the Moon. These points draw us toward evolution, growth, and healing in the sign that the north node is traveling through and bring release to unsupportive ways we relate to the sign occupied by the south node.
As the north node enters Pisces, we heal through compassion, evolve through our connection with spirituality, and expand through our imagination. This is a time of surrender, allowing ourselves to be held and moved by the ever-moving currents of life. As the south node travels through Virgo, we are bringing healing, closure, and release to any feelings of separateness from the all-encompassing waters of the Divine, and the many ways in which that feeling of separation manifests – control, fear, feelings of unworthiness or not being enough.
These 18 months are a spiritual time when we are invited to remember our oneness with the sacredness of life and with each other. And as the lunar nodes enter a new chapter, let yourself feel held within it all. Let the sacred speak through your heart, through the wind, the silence, your imagination. This is a time to release much fear, feelings of isolation, and bring healing to any part of you that has felt not enough.

Weekly Horoscope, January 5-11, 2024
Bring your awareness to the ways in which you honor your greatest currency, your energy. Consider the ways in which you meet or seek your inherent need to feel safe in the world. This is a time to bring to light to the patterns, emotions, and energies that are ready to be questioned, seen from an expanded vantage, and released or rewritten. Your weekly horoscope for January 5-11, 2024, explains how.
Learn more about the influence of the Moon and planets on your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.
Aries Rising
This week invites you deeper into the sacred and the ever-present vastness from which we all emerged and remain one with. As emotional healing calls your name, you are simultaneously asked to think about your long-term goals and career visions.
Taurus Rising
Heightened imagination, intuition, and creativity begins to be accessible to you. As your mind invites you inward to review and rewrite your own narratives, you can begin to practically plan how to bring your desires and visions into reality.
Gemini Rising
You are worthy, you are safe, and your energy is precious. This week invites you to find a new level of embodied knowing where these truths can live within you unquestioned. Also, there’s a new season relating to your career and long-term goals, one that asks you to lean on creativity and intuition.
Cancer Rising
As Mars retrograde shifts into your sign, allow yourself to slow down. Let yourself feel the energy in your body and how it desires to move. Let yourself note the contents of your emotions and thoughts. Much is unravelling to make space for a new season of dreams.
Leo Rising
As Mars leaves your sign, more of your own creative energy become available this week. Your weekly horoscope invites you to converse with your unconscious as you initiate a new chapter of transformation and emotional surrender. Consider the ways you connect to and find safety within the sacred.
Virgo Rising
As the south node enters your sign, this is a season of release, closure, and healing of patterns that have held you back and caused you to feel small. This week asks you to keep your dreams in mind and take pleasure in creative expression.
Libra Rising
Create space in your mind and emotions when it comes to your long-term goals as they shift, evolve, and reveal themselves to you. All that your weekly horoscope asks is that you consider where it is you desire to go and what impact you desire to make.
Scorpio Rising
A new season of heightened creativity, imagination, self-expression, and intuition has arrived. As this week invites you to reflect on your beliefs of what life means to you, you are rewriting the script, connecting with vaster wisdom, and finding a stronger sense of belonging in life and self.
Sagittarius Rising
It’s a week that asks for intimacy with your emotions. Within your depths awaits wisdom, intuition, and healing. Initiating a new chapter of emotional awareness, the days ahead also ask what goals do you hold for yourself? What would it feel like to consider yourself resourced and secure?
Capricorn Rising
As you consider your sense of emotional safety in partnership and intimacy, you initiate a new chapter of communicating, learning, teaching, intuiting, imagining, visioning, and creating. As your identity evolves, let your goals reveal more to you.
Aquarius Rising
Your intuition has much to share with you this week. Listen to it. As you slow down and reconnect with your natural rhythm, a new season of connecting to your worth, tangible and intangible desires, and relationship with finances begins.
Pisces Rising
This week introduces everyone to your magic. We all immerse ourselves in the Piscean healing that takes place through imagination, creativity, and sacredness in the days to come, including you. Let yourself celebrate this aspect of yourself and turn up the volume on it. As Mars invites you to find safety in self-expression, Mercury nudges you to indulge your imaginings and make plans.
Learn more about the influence of the Moon and planets on your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.